Daily routines
Full day children require a home packed lunch; this should be in a single lunch container that is clearly labelled with your child’s name. All lunches must be nut-free and free from anything containing nuts, including sandwiches made with ‘Nutella’ or peanut butter. In addition, lunches may not include sweets, chocolate, crisps, biscuit packs or drinks. All children will be given water with their packed lunch. If you want to have some ideas for nutritious and well balanced packed lunches, this website is full of ideas: https://www.nhs.uk/healthier-families/recipes/healthier-lunchboxes/
For those children and families who are eligible for free school meals, the school will provide vouchers for you to cover the cost of the lunch you provide for your child.
Full day children require a home packed lunch; this should be in a single lunch container that is clearly labelled with your child’s name. All lunches must be nut-free and free from anything containing nuts, including sandwiches made with ‘Nutella’ or peanut butter. In addition, lunches may not include sweets, chocolate, crisps, biscuit packs or drinks. All children will be given water with their packed lunch. If you want to have some ideas for nutritious and well balanced packed lunches, this website is full of ideas: https://www.nhs.uk/healthier-families/recipes/healthier-lunchboxes/
For those children and families who are eligible for free school meals, the school will provide vouchers for you to cover the cost of the lunch you provide for your child.
Over 3s Nursery
Set up Provision in Nursery 08.45 09.00 Staff Briefing 09.00 09.15 Registers and children welcomed into Key Person groups (1) 09.15 09.30 Registers closed children accessing continuous provision 09.15 09.30 Doors open to outside area promptly 09.35 11.10 Doors to outside area closed 11.10 11.15 Tidy Up Time 11.20 11.30 Children return to Key Person groups 11.30 11.35 First sitting – Groups wash hands 11.35 11.40 First sitting – Groups taken into lunch room 11.40 11.45 Second sitting children coats on and outside 11.40 11.45 AM children collected 11.45 12.00 |
Children and Staff Lunch 11.45 12.45 Children come inside for Key person groups (3) 12.45 13.00 PM children arrive to key person group 3 with all-day children 12.45 13.00 Registers close 13.00 13.15 Doors open to outside area promptly 13.15 14.40 Tidy Up Time 14.40 14.55 Key person Group time (4) 14.55 15.10 Extended day children collected 15.10 15.15 Door opens to parent/carers 15.15 15.30 |